Sunday, June 08, 2014

You can't buy happiness but you can buy cake!

This weekend, the village in which I live, held its annual street feyre.

I don't actually attend this event every year as I think they can be slightly naff and repetitve (the last time I remember going, I was small enough to be bouncing on those tiny trampolines you get at fun fairs)

This year however, I went along as my Mum (the baking fanatic) was running a stall of her own. It was a rather eventful day one way or another, but never the less, a really successful and fun day too!

We pootled on down in the morning to set up (after battling a leak in our kitchen ceiling) (AND in the pouring rain might I add!!) and after a rather wet morning (haha) I didn't have much hope for the rest of the day.

However, the rain stopped pouring and eventually the sun was shining over us. What began as a wet and miserable day ended up being a gloriously sunny and warm afternoon full of custom and friendly faces.

These cake cones were very good at drawing in customers, everyone was so intrigued by them.

Before the feyre had even finished, we were sold out of everything!

I had such a busy and enjoyable day in some typical British weather (rain and shine within the space of minutes)...

Hope you enjoyed the few pictures I took 

E x

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